* = Required Information

First Name *   Middle Name   Last Name *
Age:   Weight: Lbs.   Height: Ft.   in.   Neck Girth: in.   Handed:
Right Left
High school GED College PhD/Masters
Referring Physician: *
History of Present Illness:
What is the reason for your visit?
When did symptoms start? Does it occur daily, weekly, monthly or randomly?
What is the location of the symptoms? Does it involve any other body part?
What makes it worse? What makes it better?
How do you rate your symptoms? (0- none, 10- worst ever)
Are your symptoms related to injury at work or due to an automobile accident
Yes No
How do the symptoms affect your daily activities at home and work?
Have you tried any medications (over the counter or prescribed)?
Recent test or ER/Hospital information (CT, MRI, Blood work, EMG, EEG, Sleep Study):
CAP Trial :
Do you have any of the following symptoms at PRESENT TIME:
Visual change
Nausea/ Vomiting
Dizziness/ Vertigo
Difficulty swallowing
Difficulty speaking
Memory problems
Hearing problems
Passing out
Daytime sleepiness
Restless legs
Muscle Stiffness
Hand/Arm pain
Neck pain
Foot/ leg pain
Low back pain
Hand weakness
Tingling/ Numbness
Difficulty walking
Past Medical History: Hypertension Diabetes High Cholesterol Weight gain / Obesity
Heart disease/ CHF COPD/ Emphysema
Stroke Brain tumor/ Aneurysm Bleeding disorder
Cancer Stomach Ulcer Depression/ Anxiety
Liver disease Kidney disease
Hypothyroidism Vitamin Deficiency
Anemia Hepatitis B/C Other
HIV Positive
Past Surgical History: (Please list all surgeries and dates):
Deep Brain Stimulation
Vagal Nerve Stimulation
Gall Bladder Removal
Gastric Bypass/Lap band
Family History: (State the health information of the following family members)
Parents: Siblings: Children:
Grand-Parents: Extended Family:
Are you adopted:
Yes No
  Does any hereditary disorder run in your family?
Social History:
Tobacco: Never Smoked Former Smoker Current every day Smoker
Alcohol: Do not Drink Occasional/Social Drinker Heavy Drinker Used to drink
Illicit Drugs: Do you take drugs?
Yes No
Caffeine: Coffee Tea Soda How many cups a day?
Where do you live? Private residence Assisted Living Nursing Home- Who do you live with?
Allergies: (Medications & Food):
Yes No
Medications: (List all medications – prescribed and over the counter- with dosage)
Do you take Aspirin or other Anti-platelet medication?
Yes No
Review of System: Please choose any problems that are present at present?
Fever chills night sweats Weight gain weight loss Bleeding bruising Hearing problems Vomiting
Double vision blurry vision Palpitation Chest pain Shortness of breath Constipation Diarrhea Nausea
Urinary incontinence Anxiety Depression Skin Rash Sexual complaint Joint Pains
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: How likely are you to doze off or fall asleep in the following situations? 0- would never doze, 1- Slight chance of dozing, 2- Moderate chance of dozing, 3- High chance of dozing.
Sitting and Reading
0 1 2 3
Watching Television
0 1 2 3
Sitting inactive in a public place (theatre)
0 1 2 3
As a car passenger for an hour without break
0 1 2 3
Lying down to rest in the afternoon
0 1 2 3
Sitting and talking to someone
0 1 2 3
Sitting quietly after lunch without alcohol
0 1 2 3
In a car, while stopping for few minutes in traffic
0 1 2 3
Sleep Environment:
What time do you sleep on weekdays?
What time do you sleep on weekends?
What time do you wake up on weekdays?
What time do you wake up on weekends?
Average number of awakenings during sleep:
Do you read in Bed?
Yes No
Do you carry work to bed?
Yes No
Do you watch TV in bed?
Yes No
Does your bed partner have sleep problems?
Yes No
Do you nap in daytime, If yes, how long?
Yes No
Trouble falling asleep:
Yes No
Trouble staying asleep:
Yes No
Yes No
Your Breathing stops at night:
Yes No
Wakes up to pass urine at night:
Yes No
Have Heartburns at night:
Yes No
Have Leg kicking at night:
Yes No
Have Sweating at night:
Yes No
Teeth grinding at night:
Yes No
Inability to move while falling asleep:
Yes No
Have Unusual vision at sleep onset:
Yes No
Feel Groggy/tired on awakening:
Yes No
Have Morning headaches on awakening:
Yes No
Wake up with dry mouth:
Yes No
Yes No
Have Seizures during sleep:
Yes No
Have Daytime sleepiness:
Yes No
Have Daytime fatigue:
Yes No
Fights sleep while driving:
Yes No
Have Loss of strength/falls when startled:
Yes No
Have Memory problems:
Yes No
Had motor vehicle accident due to sleepiness:
Yes No
History of narrowed airway or enlargement of tonsils/adenoids:
Yes No
History of Tonsillectomy/Adenoidectomy:
Yes No
Prolong sitting at work or home or Lack of regular exercise:
Yes No
Sleep Study in past:
Yes No
CPAP or BiPaP tried in past:
Yes No
*I have reviewed and completed all 3 pages of History Form today.
*Consent to Treatment: I hereby give my consent for medical treatment by the physicians or under the direction of the physicians of Neurology and Sleep Clinic.
Patient or Guardian Signature  Date